Thursday, 23 April 2015

CGA: low polly model texture and normal maps

CGA: Low poly Character model

Here I've taken the concept of the awakened and made a low poly model of it

CGA: Character final piece

CGA: Character concept: Silhouettes character variations and model sheet

CGA: Character concept Anatomy and head sketches

 Anatomy studies 

 anatomy and head sketches 

CGA: Human character Final piece


CGA: Human character :Silhouettes Character variations and model sheet

Here I' have drawn various silhouettes experimenting with different shapes and sizes I Chose the first silhouette  and developed it further

Character variations I experimented with different colour schemes and different armour and clothing
Model sheet 

CGA : Human character : Anatomy and head sketches

Anatomy sketches , Head sketches here I've drawn anatomy sketches to try and build some ideas for a human character concept, 

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

CGA:Blood Sweat and Cheers!: concept Crowds

                I was tasked to come up with different variations of crowds to be put in the arenas.

CGA: Blood Sweat and Cheers!: Character concepts: Barber beholder minion, and The wandering eye.

Here I was tasked to come up with a enemy and a minion for the gold wood arena.

CGA: Blood Sweat and Cheers: Mogg's Shame character concept.

Here is another character concept of Mogg's shame possible fighter for the game.

CGA: Blood Sweat and Cheers!: Portrait of king Mogg

Here I was tasked to create a portrait of king Mogg to go into the game hub.

CGA: Blood Sweat and Cheers!: Helmet concepts

Here I was asked to come up with some low quality helmets and some upgraded ones to be put in our game and implemented into the loot system.

CGA Blood Sweat and Cheers!: Druggus Fly Bane and Binions

                                    Here are the concepts for Druggus Flybane and His binions with my team we discussed possible attacks and ability's Binions to shoot posion spray and leave and cloud of aoe damage , Druggus to have a charged attack for his fly swatter and a 360 spin attack

CGA: Blood Sweat and Cheers! Dwarf Air ship Arena

Here I was asked to come up with the concept for the airship arena.

CGA:Blood Sweat and Cheers! weapon designs

 Here I've concepted weapons to be made and put in our game

CGA : Blood sweat and cheers! character concepts

 More character concepts, I've drawn more characters from the list, still trying to find a style that fits as a group we looked at style  Zelda Windwaker, fable and Dungeons defenders as possible influences.

CGA: Early character concept designs :Blood Sweat and cheers!

As a team we came up with some abstract names, and I was tasked to pick a name then draw that character how I think it should look ,experimenting with different styles.